Latest results announced
IMO 2023 Result: Warren Bei and Kaixin Wang won a Gold medal and a Silver medal for Canada again! Warmest Congratulations!
IMO 2023成绩:Warren Bei和Kaixin Wang再次为加拿大赢得了一枚金牌和一枚银牌!最热烈的祝贺!
CMO 2023: Warren Bei won Championship again and a prize of $2000.
CMO 2023:Warren Bei再次夺得冠军,并获得2000美元的奖金。 祝贺!
IMO 2022 result: Warren Bei won Gold medal and Kaixin Wang won Silver medal; Warmest Congratulations!
祝贺 Warren Bei 同学荣获 2022年 美国数学奥林匹克竞赛金牌; Kaixing Wang和 Jason Fang 同学荣获银牌 !!!
Congratulation USAMO 2022 medalists: Warren Bei: Gold medal ; Kaixing Wang and Jason Fang : Silver Medals !
祝贺 Warren Bei 和Kaixin Wang同学荣获 加拿大数学公开赛满分的杰出成绩!(COMC Perfect Scorers)
温哥华奥林匹克学校(奥林补习社)年仅七年级的Warren Bei 同学荣获2021年加拿大数学奥林匹克赛 (CMO)冠军!—-最年轻的数学奥林匹克冠军!
同时Warren同学荣获COM题解最佳解法奖(Matthew Brennan Award)!在此我们对Warren同学表示热烈祝贺!
Warren同学的解法将作为2021 加拿大数学奥林匹克赛的官方解答。
Waren同学荣获了2021 加拿大数学奥林匹克奖杯及两千加元奖金。
Congratulations to CMO 2021 Champion Warren Bei !
Warren also won Matthew Brennan Award for Best CMO solution!
Warren has earned this year’s Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Cup and $2,000 cash!
Warren is the youngest CMO Champion in the histroy.
For AMC 10/12 this year (2021), we have 25 students who excelled in the contest and entered into AIME (American Invitational Examination). Of those 21 AIME qualifers, three are only grade 7.
Congratulations to Winners of 2019 Math challengers Provincial Final
Grade Eight Round
Kevin Liu: 1st Place
Edward Lai: 2nd Place
Kiran Sun: 4th Place
Derek Li: 7th Place
Jason He: 9th Place
(all the winners above are only grade 6 or 7)
Grade Nine Round
Warren Bei: 1st Place
Andrew Kang: 2nd Place
Kevin Yan: 8th Place
Simon Zhu: 10th Place
It needs to mention that Warren Bei is only grade 5. He got perfect score and it is the only perfect score in all 3 grades.
Grade 10 Round:
Kaixin Wang: 2nd Place
Karen Situ: 3rd Place
Harry Jiang: 7th Place
Math Challengers is the math contest for top math students in BC.
news (Jan 2019):
Our students won 1st, , 2nd and 3rd places Canada and all of the first five places BC in AMC 8 contest
Congratulations to Waren Bei, DerekLi, Kiran Sun (top threes Canada)!
congratulations to Edward Lai and Alec Situ (4th and fifth places BC)
News Devember 2018:
Congratulation to Alvin Zhou (PW) for being admitted to Harvard University (eraly admission)!
Congratulation to Louie Lu (St. Georges) for being admiitted to Yale University (Early admission) !
Congratulation to Samuel Gan (WPG)for being admitted to University of Pennsylvania (eraly admission Wharton School)!
Congratulation to Bonnie Wang (Collingwood)being admitted to CMU (Early admission) !
2017/2018 COMC(Canadian Open Math Challenge):We have outstanding achievement:Of 9 BC Champions, 5 are our students. Six of our students qualified for CMO.
2018 AMC 10/12 Achievement: 10 students qualified for AIME。
2018 AMC 8—Seven of our students are on Distinguished Honor Roll(Total of 12 in BC)
2018 ELmacon (PIMS math contest): Our student continued last year’s splendid success:Five top-tens for Grade 7,We won 1st, 2nd and 3rd; Five top-tens for Grade 6, won all top-three; 1st, 4th and 7th for grade 5 written contest. (Elmacon is the hardest elementary math contest in Canada)
2018 Math Talent contest: We 75% of all medals(G4 and up)。
BC High School contest(Langara Sitting):We won all Junior grades Prizes and first and second Prize for Grades。(under construction)
2016年BC High School Math Contest (LangaraSitting): We won all prizes of both Junior and senior contests!
2016 Elmacon (Hardest Elementary School Math Contest in Canada):
6 students won top-tens:
Edward Lai, Kevin Liu, Felix Qin, Simon Zhu, Liu Jiayi and Richard Chen;
16 studetns won top 25
2016 BC Math Challengers Regional,about 30 schools in 4 different pools participated,13 of our students won top-tens in 4 pools:
Alvin Zou (1st) Carnell Zou (1st)Andy Kim(1st)
Usher Li (2nd); Samuel Gan, James Tai, George Huang, Zhenshu L, Sam Z, Angela Z, Garry X, Charles X, Sam S。
4 students won top-tens in Provincial。
Alex You and Alvin Zou qualified for USAMO (only 4 studetns in BC);
2016年Canadian Math League, students achieved outstanding results as in previous year. We secured four 1st place rankings nationally, as well as numerous top-ten rankings in BC province.
sixth grade group:
, Felix Q, Neil S, and Kiran S tied for 1st place nationally.
Terry L achieving 4th place in BC (6th nationally)
Derek L and Jordan L tied for 5th place in BC (10th nationally)
Alex B achieved 8th place in BC
Seventh grade group:
Amanda Q achieved 7th place in BC.
Eighth grade group: Jeff Z achieved 1st place nationally, Zhen Shu L achieved 3rd place in BC (6th nationally), Justin L achieved 4th place in BC (10th nationally), James T achieved 4th place in BC (10th nationally), George H achieved 7th place in BC, Selwyn G achieved 8th place in BC, and Carnell Z achieved 8th place in BC.
2016 Math Talent Competition:
a total of 19 students from our school won awards. Kiran won 1st place in the 4th grade group, Richard won 1st place in the 5th grade group, Derek won 2nd place in the 3rd grade group, and Jenny won 1st place in the 6th grade group. We had four students win first place awards, four students win second place awards, and eleven students win third place awards.